Naming Of Food
- Avec des glaçons: On the rocks
- La bière: Beer
- Une bouteille: A bottle
- Le café: Coffee (typically Espresso)
- Une crafe: A glass bottle (usually of wine)
- La carte de vins: The wine list
- Le cidre: Cider
- Le jus: Juice
- Le Kir: White wine with cassis or blackberry syrup
- Un pichet: A small pitcher (usually of wine)
Things that are potentially disgusting (but are usually delicious)
- Les cuisses de grenouille: Frogs’ legs
- Les escargots: Snails served in-shell with garlic-parsley butter
- Le foie: Liver
- Le pâté: Liver mousse
- Le steak tartare: Seasoned, finely chopped raw beef
- Les rognons de veaux: Veal kidneys
- La tête de veau: Veal head
Know your meat
- À point: Medium rare
- Bien cuit: Well done
- Bleu, saignant: Rare (“blue” or “bleeding”)
- Le bifteck: Steak
- À la broche: Cooked on a skewer
- Carbonnisée: Burned to a crisp
- La charcuterie: An assortment of cured and dried meats
- Le porc: Pork
- Une saucisse/Saucisson: Sausage
- Une tranche: A slice
- Le veau: Veal
- La viande: Meat
All about chicken:
- Les ailes de poulet: Chicken wings
- Le blanc de poulet: Chicken breast
- Le consommé du volaille: Chicken broth
- Le coquelet: Young male chicken
- La cuisse: Dark meat
- La poulard: Young female chicken
- Le poulet/poule: Chicken
- Le poulet rôti: Roast chicken
- La volaille: White meat
Great dishes
- Aïoli: Garlic mayonnaise *try it on fries
- Aligot: Fondue-like mix of mashed potatoes and sharp cheese
- Le cassoulet: Rich meat and bean casserole
- La choucroute: Sauerkraut (expect various kinds of pork)
- Le coq au vin: Chicken in red wine sauce
- La crêpe: A very thin pancake, sweet or savory
- La galette: A savory crepe
- Les huitres: Oysters
- Le parmentier: Like shephard’s pie, ground meat covered with mashed potatoes
- Les moules: Mussels
- Le vol-au-vent: A small, light, savory pastry
Menu Mainstays
- L’amuse-bouche: A bite-sized hors d’oeuvre, compliments of the chef
- Le beurre: Butter
- Les coquilles Saint-Jacques: Scallops
- Les oeufs: Eggs
- Le pain: Bread
- Les pâtes: Pasta
How’s it cooked?
- Au gratin: Baked with cheese and breadcrumbs
- À votre goût: To your liking
- En cocotte: Cooked in a covered baking dish
- Confit: Cooked in fat (either its own or the fat of something else)
- En croute: Wrapped in pastry
- Farci: Stuffed
- Frit(e): Fried
- Fumé: Smoked
- Haché: Ground (meat)
- Un méli-mélo: An assortment
- Un morceau: A piece
- Piquant: Spicy
- Au pistou: With basil
- Provençal: Cooked with tomatoes, anchovies and olives
- Rôti: Roasted
- À la vapeur: Steamed
Good to know
- L’addition: The check (must be requested)
- Allérgique à: Allergic to
- And for the Mrs./Miss: Et pour la madame/mademoiselle…
- L’assiette: Plate
- La carte/le ménu: The menu
- Les champignons: Mushrooms
- Compris/Inclus: Included
- Le cornichon: The tiniest pickle you’ve ever seen, accompanies charcuterie
- La cuisine: The kitchen
- La dégustation: Tasting menu
- Le déjeuner: Lunch
- Délicieux: Delicious
- Le dîner: Dinner
- Du jour: Of the day
- Le fromage: Cheese
- Garçon: What NOT to call the waiter, no matter how many times you’ve seen it in movies. Instead, signal the waiter with “Monsieur/Madame/Mademoiselle, s’il vous plait.”
- Je voudrais: I would like…
- Le petit déjeuner: Breakfast
- Le poisson: Fish
- Les pommes de terre: Potatoes
- Le pourboire: Tip (basic gratuity is almost always included in French restaurants, listed as servis compris)
- Le serveur/la serveuse: Waiter/waitress
- Végétarien: Vegetarian
- Végétalien: Vegan
Any other French words or phrases you need to know? Post it to JohnWell Science Forum and our Frenchie experts will get back to ya.
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