Whether you are looking for the names of animals in French for a project for school or just to complete a theme that you are studying in French, the lists below will give you more animals than you can remember!
Insects and Other Creepy Crawlies
Here are a few "animals" that you'll find crawling around on the ground. While not everything on this list is a true animal, it's vocabulary that you will have to learn eventually. There are many idiomatic expressions that include references to both la fourmi and le cafard.- Ant - la fourmi (lah foor-mee)
- Bee - l'abeille (lah-bay-uh)
- Butterfly - le papillon (luh pah-pee-yohn)
- Cockroach - le cafard (luh cah-fahr)
- Snail - l'escargot (les-car-go)
- Spider - l'araignée (lah-rayn-yay)
On the Farm
La ferme is a particularly popular learning theme with preschool.- Chicken - le poulet (luh poo-lay)
- Cow - la vache (lah vahsh)
- Donkey - l'âne (lahn)
- Duck - le canard (luh cah-nar)
- Goat - la chèvre lah sheh-vruh)
- Goose - l'oie (lwah)
- Horse - le cheval (luh shuh-vall)
- Mouse - la souris (lah soo-ree)
- Mule - la mule (lah mool)
- Pig - le cochon (luh coo-shohn)
- Sheep - le mouton (luh moo-tohn)
Teach your students the names for their pets so that they can talk about their entire family:- Cat - le chat (luh shah)
- Dog - le chien (luh shee-ehn)
- Ferrett - le furet (luh fyoo-ray)
- Goldfish - le poisson rouge (luh pwah-ssohn-rooge) **The 'g' is soft as in the second 'g' in garage.
- Gerbil - la gerbille (lah jhair-bee-yuh)
- Hamster - le hamster (luh am-stair)
- Llama - le lama (luh lah-mah)
- Parrot - le perroquet (luh pair-rho-kay)
Another popular theme is studying the forest.
- Antelope - l'antilope (lahn-tee-lohp)
- Badger - le blaireau (luh blair-o)
- Bat - la chauve-souris (lah shove-soo-ree)
- Bear - l'ours (loors)
- Beaver - le castor (luh cah-stohr)
- Bird - l'oiseau (lwah-so)
- Deer - le cerf (luh sairf)
- Elk - l'élan (lay-lahn)
- Fox - le renard (luh ruh-nahrd)
- Moose - l'orignal (lor-ee-nyahl)
- Otter - la loutre lah loo-truh)
- Owl - le hibou (luh ee-boo)
- Porcupine - le porc-épic (luh pork-ay-peek)
- Rabbit - le lapin (luh lah-pahn)
- Raccoon - le raton-laveur (luh rah-tohn-lah-vuhr)
- Ram - le bélier (luh bay-lee-ay)
- Squirrel - l'écureil (lay-cure-i) *Note - the 'i' is pronounced long
- Wolf - le loup (luh loo)
You can incorporate a study on reptiles while you're also studying Francophone countries where some of these more exotic creatures live.- Alligator - l'alligator (lah-lee-gah-tohr)
- Crocodile - le crocodile (luh kroe-koe-deel)
- Frog - la grenouille (lah grun-wee-yuh)
- Lizard - le lézard (luh lay-sahr)
- Snake - le serpent (luh sair-pont)
- Toad - le crapaud (luh crah-poe)
- Turtle - la tortue (lah tor-too)
At the Zoo
Who doesn't love a trip to the zoo? Make a field trip extra productive with these great vocabulary words.- Anteater - le fourmilier (lu-foor-mee-lee-ay)
- Ape - le singe (luh sehnge) *Note the 'g' is soft like the second 'g' in garage.
- Baboon - le babouin (luh bah-bwehn)
- Buffalo - le buffle (luh boo-fluh)
- Camel - le chameau (luh shah-moe)
- Cheetah - le guépard (luh gay-par)
- Coyote - le coyote (le ki-yoht) *Note the 'i' is long as in 'kite.'
- Elephant - l'éléphant (lay-lay-fohn)
- Gazelle - la gazelle (lah-gah-zell)
- Girafe - la girafe (lah-gee-rahff) *Note the 'g' is soft as in the second 'g' in 'garage.'
- Gorilla - la gorille (luh gour-ee)
- Hippopotamus - l'hippopotame (lee-po-po-tahm) *Note the 'o' is long as in 'cope.'
- Jaguar - le jaguar (luh jhah-gwar)
- Kangaroo - le kangourou (kahn-goo-roo)
- Leopard - le léopard (luh lay-oh-par)
- Lion - le lion (luh lee-ohn)
- Monkey - le singe (le sange)
- Ostrich - l'autruche (lo-troosh)
- Panda - le panda (luh pahn-dah)
- Panther - le panthère (lah pahn-tair)
- Rhinoceros - le rhinocéros (luh-ree-no-sair-os) *Note the 'o' is long as in 'cope.'
- Tiger - le tigre (luh tee-gruh)
- Zebra - le zèbre (luh-zeh-bruh)
Ocean Animals
While you're studying things that are at the ocean, make sure and make your bulletin boards and worksheets bilingual.- Crab - le crabe (luh crahb)
- Dolphin - le dauphin (luh do-fahn)
- Eel - l'anguille (lohn-gee-uh) *Note the 'g' is hard as in the first 'g' in 'garage.'
- Jellyfish - la méduse (lah-may-dooz)
- Lobster - le homard (luh-oh-mar)
- Manatee - le lamantin (luh-lah-mah-tahn)
- Pelican - le pélican (luh-pay-lee-kahn)
- Penguin - le pingouin (luh-pehn-gwahn)
- Sea Lion - l'otarie (loh-tah-ree)
- Shark - le requin (luh-ri-kahn)
- Walrus - le morse (luh-mohrs)
- Whale - la baleine (lah-bell-ehn)
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